Diesel engine consists of the following components and process. These are
Fuel supply system
Air intake system
Cooling system
Lubricating system
Exhaust system
Fuel supply system
It consists of fuel tank for the storage of fuel, fuel filters and pumps to transfer and inject the fuel. The fuel oil may be supplied at the plant site by trucks, rail, road, tank, cars, etc.
The essential functions of a fuel injection system are
To deliver oil from the storage to the fuel injector.
To raise the fuel pressure to the level required for atomization.
To measure and control the amount of fuel admitted in each cycle.
To control time of injection.
To spray fuel into the cylinder in atomized form for thorough mixing and burning.
Air intake system
It consists of pipe for the supply of air. Filters are provided to remove dust etc. from the incoming air. Filters may be of dry type or oil bath type.
In oil bath type of filters the air is swept over or through a bath of oil in order that the particles of dust get coated.
The duties of the air intake systems are as follows
To clean the air intake supply.
To silence the intake air.
To supply air for super charging
The intake system must cause a minimum pressure loss to avoid reducing engine capacity and raising the specific fuel consumption. Filters must be cleaned periodically to prevent pressure losses from clogging. Silencers must be used on some systems to reduce high velocity air noises.
Exhaust system
The purpose of the exhaust system is to discharge the engine exhaust to the atmosphere. In exhaust system silencer/muffler is provided to reduce the noise.
The exhaust pipe leading out of the building should be short in length with minimum number of bends and should have one or two flexible tubing sections which take up the effects of expansion.
Every engine provided with its independent exhaust system.