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Methods of nuclear waste disposal

Writer's picture: Mech SurgeMech Surge

  • Waste disposal problem is common in every industry. Wastes from atomic energy Installations are radioactive, create radioactive hazard and require strong control to ensure that radioactivity is not released into the atmosphere to avoid atmospheric pollution.

  • The wastes produced in a nuclear power plant may be in the form of liquid, gas or solid and each is treated in a different manner.

Liquid Waste

  • The disposal of liquid wastes is done in two ways.


  • The liquid wastes are diluted with large quantities of water and then released into the ground. This method suffers from the drawback that there is a chance of contamination of underground water if the dilution factor is not adequate.

Concentration to small volumes and storage

  • When the dilution of radioactive liquid wastes is not desirable due to amount or nature of isotopes, the liquid wastes are concentrated to small volumes and stored in underground tanks. The tanks should be of assured long term strength and leakage of liquid from the tanks should not take place otherwise leakage or contents, from the tanks may lead to significant underground water contamination.

Gaseous Waste

  • Gaseous wastes can most easily result in atmospheric pollution. Gaseous wastes are generally diluted with air, passed through filters and then released to atmosphere through large stacks (chimneys).

Solid Waste

  • Solid wastes consist of scrap material or discarded objects contaminated with radioactive matter. These wastes if combustible are burnt and the radioactive matter.

  • These wastes if concrete are drummed and shipped for burial. Non-combustible solid wastes are always buried deep in the ground.

  • Most used fuel from nuclear power plants is stored in steel-lined concrete pools filled with water, or in airtight steel or concrete-and-steel containers.

Safely Managing Used Fuel

  • By law, the U.S. Department of Energy is responsible for developing a disposal facility for the long-term management of used uranium fuel from America's nuclear power plants.

  • The federal government, however, does not have a viable program for the management of used nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear energy facilities and high-level radioactive waste from the government’s defense and research activities.

Integrated Used Fuel Management

  • Until the federal government puts in place a program to dispose of these materials, nearly all commercial used fuel is stored safely and securely at the reactor sites in steel-lined concrete pools filled with water, or in airtight steel or concrete and steel containers.

  • This temporary storage is but one component of an integrated used fuel management system. Other facets include recycling, transportation and final geologic disposal.

  • The federal government has defaulted on its legal obligation to take used nuclear fuel from commercial reactors beginning in 1998.

  • The nuclear energy industry is committed to working with Congress, the administration and state leaders on proposed legislation to create a sustainable, integrated program.

Used Nuclear Fuel Storage

  • Used nuclear fuel consists of small uranium pellets stacked inside alloy fuel rods. All the used nuclear fuel produced by the nuclear energy industry in nearly 50 years—if stacked end to end—would cover an area the size of a football field to a depth of less than 10 yards.

  • NEI supports the development of a consolidated facility for temporary storage of used nuclear fuel in a willing host community and state, while substantial progress is made toward developing the Yucca Mountain site or another geologic repository.


  • Whether nuclear fuel is used only once or recycled for subsequent use, disposal of high-level radioactive byproducts in a permanent geologic repository is necessary.

  • Underground disposal in a specially designed facility is an essential element of a sustainable, integrated used nuclear fuel management program.

  • The industry supports the completion of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's review of the DOE license application to build a repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

Recycling Used Nuclear Fuel

  • The industry supports research, development and demonstration of improved or advanced fuel cycle technologies such as recycling, thereby potentially reducing the volume, heat and toxicity of by products placed in the repository. A geologic repository will be required for all fuel cycles.

  • Low-level waste is a by product of the beneficial uses of a wide range of radioactive materials.

  • These include electricity generation, medical diagnosis and treatment, and various other medical processes.

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