It consists of a two stroke petrol engine that contain a piston, piston rings, connecting rod, crank shaft, crank case, spark plug and flywheel.
The piston’s extreme bottom position of the cylinder is termed “Inner Dead Centre” [IDC] and at the acute top position of the cylinder is termed “Outer Dead Centre” [ODC].
The piston travel between ODC and IDC is termed stroke.
During a two stroke petrol engine Compression stroke and Power stroke are performed consecutive.
The port timing diagram (indicator diagram) shows the opening and closing of each transfer, inlet and exhaust ports with respect to crank angle.
It additionally indicates the spark ignition timings. We are able to additionally find the Scavenging time from the port timing diagram.
The inlet port is opened once the piston at just after IDC and closes at just after ODC.
Similarly the exhaust and transfer ports are opened when the piston at just before IDC and closes at simply After IDC.
Spark ignition starts once the piston reaches just before ODC.
