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Port Timing Diagram Of 2 Stroke Engine

  • It consists of a two stroke petrol engine that contain a piston, piston rings, connecting rod, crank shaft, crank case, spark plug and flywheel.

  • The piston’s extreme bottom position of the cylinder is termed “Inner Dead Centre” [IDC] and at the acute top position of the cylinder is termed “Outer Dead Centre” [ODC].

  • The piston travel between ODC and IDC is termed stroke.

  • During a two stroke petrol engine Compression stroke and Power stroke are performed consecutive.

  • The port timing diagram (indicator diagram) shows the opening and closing of each transfer, inlet and exhaust ports with respect to crank angle.

  • It additionally indicates the spark ignition timings. We are able to additionally find the Scavenging time from the port timing diagram.

  • The inlet port is opened once the piston at just after IDC and closes at just after ODC.

  • Similarly the exhaust and transfer ports are opened when the piston at just before IDC and closes at simply After IDC.

  • Spark ignition starts once the piston reaches just before ODC.

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