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Stir casting

  • It is a liquid state composite material fabrication method during which a dispersed particles like ceramic particles, short fibers are mixed with a molten matrix metal by means that of mechanical stirring.

  • Among the variety of manufacturing processes available for discontinuous metal matrix composites.

  • In general the metal matrix composites of stir casting involves production of molten metal of selected matrix material followed by reinforcing material in to the molten metal.

  • Solidification containing suspended particles to get the required distribution of the dispersed particles.

  • Particle distribution changes considerably depending on method parameters throughout the melting and solidification stages of the method.

  • The addition of particles to the melt drastically changes the viscousness of the molten metal.

  • It is vital that solidification occurs before appreciable settling is allowed to take place.


  • Simple, flexible and used to large scale production.

  • Sustain high productivity.

  • Cheaper 1/3 to ½ than the other methods.

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