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Value engineering- procedure,advantages and applications

  • Value engineering is the applications of exactly the same set of technique to a new product at the design stage, project concept or preliminary design. It is a preventive process.

Aim of value engineering :

  • Simplify the product

  • Reduce product cost

  • Improve product design

  • Use new or cheaper material

Value engineering procedure :

  • Blasting

    • Identify the product

    • Collect relevant information

    • Define different functions

  • Creating

    • Different alternatives

    • Critically evaluate the alternatives

  • Refining

    • Develop the best alternatives

    • Implement the alternative

Identify the product :

  • Identify the component is the first step. In future, design change should add value and it is not make the product obsolete.

Collect relevant information :

  • Collect all the data's/information's related to a component.

    • Technical specifications

    • Production process, work instructions and process layout

    • Cost data and marketing details

    • Latest development

Define different functions :

  • Identify and define the primary, secondary and territory functions of the parts and specify the value content for each functions.

Different alternatives :

  • Create different alternatives to increase the value of the product, knowing the functions of each component, their manufacturing details, generate the ideas.

  • Value engineering should be done after a brain storming session.

  • All feasible or non-feasible suggestions are recorded without any criticism.

Principles of Brainstorming :

  1. A quality idea comes from quantity of ideas :- This means, the number of ideas generated is more, the more good is the solution.

  2. Creative ideas emerge from unconventional thinking :- Even non-technical persons can prove as they are the greatest innovators in technical areas since there viewpoints are objectives.

  3. Spontaneous evaluation of ideas :- Immediate evaluation may curb imaginative thinking and slow down the flow so the group should not evaluate the alternatives suggested by team members.

  4. Hitch-hiking on the ideas often lead to better ideas :- Participants have to improve upon ideas of other members either directly or by combining more ideas. A brilliant idea, may not be a practical one initially, it may be useless.

  5. Creativity is a regenerative process:- Memory may not be retain all ideas or recall them when they are needed. so a stenographer may be asked to record ideas simultaneously. A tape recorder can also be used for this purpose.

  6. Ideas cease to flow :- Members of the syndicate may reach a stage where new ideas do not come. At such a stage short diversions—rest, favorite sport, hobby, lunch or tea break, etc.may be taken during which members are advised to sleep.

Evaluate alternatives :

  • Different ideas recorded under step 4 are compared, evaluated and critically assessed for their virtues, validity and feasibility as regards their financial and technical requirements. The ideas technically found and involving lower costs are further developed.

Develop best alternatives :-

  • Detailed development plans are made for those ideas which emerged during step 5 and appear most suitable and promising.

Implement the alternatives :-

  • The best alternative is converted into a proto-type manufacturing model which ultimately goes into operation and its results are recorded.

Advantages :

  • Cost reduction technique

  • Less expensive technique

  • Reduce production cost and add value to sales income


  • Machine tool industries

  • Machine tool accessories industries

  • Auto industries


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