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CANDU type reactor

  • These reactors are more economically to those nations that don’t produce enriched uranium because enrichment of uranium is very costly.

  • In this type of reactors, the natural uranium (0.7% U235) is used as fuel and heavy water as moderator. This type of reactor was first designed and developed in Canada.

  • The first heavy water reactor in Canada using heavy water as coolant and moderator of 200 MW capacity with 29.1% thermal efficiency was established at Douglas.

  • The coolant heavy water is passed through the fuel pressure tubes and heat exchanger. The heavy water is circulated in the primary circuit in the same way as with a PWR and the steam is raised in the secondary circuit transferring the heat in the heat exchanger to the ordinary water.

  • The control of the reactor is achieved by varying the moderator level in the reactor and therefore control rods are not required.

  • For rapid shutdown purpose, the moderator can be dumped through a very large area into a tank provided below the reactor.

Advantages :

  • The major advantage of this reactor is that the fuel need not be enriched.

  • The reactor vessel may be built to withstand low pressure, therefore, the cost of the vessel is less.

  • No control rods are required; therefore, control is much easier than other types.

  • The moderator can be kept at low temperature which increases its effectiveness in slowing down neutrons..

Disadvantages :

  • The cost of heavy water is extremely high

  • The leakage is a major problem as there are two mechanically sealed closures per fuel channel. Canadian designs generally are based or recovering high proportion of heavy water leakages as absolute leak-tightness cannot be assured.

  • Very high standard of design, manufacture inspection and maintenance are required.

  • The power density is considerably low (9.7 kW/liter) compared with PWR and BWR therefore the reactor size is extremely large.

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