Availability of water
Although very large quantity of water is not regulated as hydro-electric power plant, but still sufficient supply of neutral water is obvious for cooling purposes in nuclear power station.
That is why it is always preferable to locate this plant near a river or sea side.
Disposal of Water
The byproducts or wastes of nuclear power station are radioactive and may cause severe health hazards. Because of this, special care to be taken during disposal of wastes of nuclear power plant. The wastes must be buried in sufficient deep from earth level or these must be disposed off in sea quite away from the sea share. Hence, during selecting the location of nuclear plant, this factor must be taken into consideration.
The wastes must be buried in sufficient deep from earth level or these must be disposed off in sea quite away from the sea share.
Hence, during selecting the location of nuclear plant, this factor must be taken into consideration.
Distance from Populated Area
As there is always a probability of radioactivity, it is always preferable to locate a nuclear station sufficiently away from populated area.
Transportation Facilities
During commissioning period, heavy equipment to be erected, which to be transported from manufacturer site.
So good railways and road ways availability are required. For availability of skilled manpower good public transport should also be present at the site.
Transportation network
Easy and enough access to transportation network is required in both power plant construction and operation periods.
Power transmission network: To transfer the generated electricity to the consumers, the plant should be connected to electrical transmission system.
Therefore the nearness to the electric network can play a roll.
Geology and soil type
The power plant should be built in an area with soil and rock layers that could stand the weight and vibrations of the power plant.
Earthquake and geological faults
Even weak and small earthquakes can damage many parts of a power plant intensively. Therefore the site should be away enough from the faults and previous earthquake areas.
It is proved that high elevation has a negative effect on production efficiency of gas turbines. In addition, changing of a sloping area into a flat site for the construction of the power plant needs extra budget. Therefore, the parameters of elevation and slope should be considered.
Rivers and floodways
Obviously, the power plant should have a reasonable distance from permanent and seasonal rivers and flood-ways.
Water resources
For the construction and operating of power plant different volumes of water are required. This could be supplied from either rivers or underground water resources. Therefore having enough water supplies in defined vicinity can be a factor in the selection of the site.
Environmental resources
Operation of a power plant has important impacts on environment. Therefore, priority will be given to the locations that are far enough from national parks, wildlife, protected areas, etc.
Population centers
For the same reasons as above, the site should have an enough distance from population centers.
Need for power
In general, the site should be near the areas that there is more need for generation capacity, to decrease the amount of power loss and transmission expenses.
Land cover
Some land cover types such as forests, orchard, agricultural land, pasture are sensitive to the pollutions caused by a power plant. The effect of the power plant on such land cover types surrounding it should be counted for.
Area size
Before any other consideration, the minimum area size required for the construction of power plant should be defined.
Distance from airports
Usually, a power plant has high towers and chimneys and large volumes of gas. Consequently for security reasons, they should be away from airports.
Archeological and historical sites
Usually historical buildings are fragile and at same time very valuable. Therefore the vibration caused by power plant can damage them, and a defined distance should be considered.
Availability of Water:
Run-off data for many years available.
Water storage:
For water availability throughout the year.
Head of Water:
Most economic head, possibility of constructing a dam to get required head.
Geological Investigations :
Strong foundation, earthquake frequency is less.
Water Pollution:
Excessive corrosion and damage to metallic structures.
Social and Environmental Effects:
Submergence of areas, effect on biodiversity cultural and historic aspects.
Access to Site:
For transportation of construction material and heavy machinery new railway lines or roads may be needed.
Power generation, irrigation, flood control, navigation, recreation; because initial cost of power plant is high because of civil engineering construction work.
Sedimentation: Capacity reduces due to gradual deposition of silt.