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Practice drawing no.2

Updated: May 31, 2021

  • Open the Catia V5 application. The assembly workbench is opened it is default. Close the assembly workbench and Go to START--->MECHANICAL DESIGN---->SKETCHER, Now enter the part name what you want and click the enable hybrid design checkbox and ok.

  • Select YZ plane and click sketch tool.

  • First you have to draw the outer loop of the drawing. This drawing is symmetry about Y axis, so draw half portion and mirrors it remaining. Click the profile tool from profile toolbar.

  • Select/pick profile tool from profile toolbar and draw as shown in fig. now constraint this using constraint tool.

  • Then pick Edit Multi Constraint tool from constraint toolbar and enter the actual dimensions given in the drawing. Enter the actual values in current value and click ok.

  • Select the sketched element and click the mirror tool and select vertical direction (Y-Axis). Now the sketch is mirrored.

  • Now, you have to draw the inner loop of the drawing. Select Elongated Hole from the profile toolbar and draw as shown in fig then constraint using constraint tool.

  • Again select Elongated Hole from the profile toolbar and draw as shown in fig. after constraint (entered actual values) select this and pick mirror tool and select vertical direction (Y-Axis).

  • The final sketch is shown in fig


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