Open the Catia V5 application. The assembly workbench is opened it is default. Close the assembly workbench and Go to START--->MECHANICAL DESIGN---->SKETCHER, Now enter the part name what you want and click the enable hybrid design checkbox and ok.
Select YZ plane and click sketch tool.
First you have to draw the outer loop of the drawing. This drawing is symmetry about Y axis, so draw half portion and mirrors it remaining. Click the profile tool from profile toolbar.
Select/pick profile tool from profile toolbar and draw as shown in fig. now constraint this using constraint tool.
Then pick Edit Multi Constraint tool from constraint toolbar and enter the actual dimensions given in the drawing. Enter the actual values in current value and click ok.
Select the sketched element and click the mirror tool and select vertical direction (Y-Axis). Now the sketch is mirrored.
Now, you have to draw the inner loop of the drawing. Select Elongated Hole from the profile toolbar and draw as shown in fig then constraint using constraint tool.
Again select Elongated Hole from the profile toolbar and draw as shown in fig. after constraint (entered actual values) select this and pick mirror tool and select vertical direction (Y-Axis).
The final sketch is shown in fig